Monday, December 13, 2010

A Human Called Hu-cares-Man

   They had been and are around us. They are no aliens and it is pretty obvious that they are human , as the title had suggested. They perhaps have existed since the evolution of man (to Creationist: Please. Stop whining). Now the main question is: What are they?
   Let's talk about their diet, for a head-start, since I l-o-v-e food. They are omnivorous, vegan sometimes (but no vegan powers like in 'Scott Pilgrim VS The World' , mind you), or just 'complex' carnivores. They are anything similar to us, the way they ingest and digest food. Then the food becomes a waste, excreted via squatting or sitting on a toilet bowl-chair, or whatever in between (just that I haven't come across those that poo while standing). After that, they search and hunt for food again, when their supply goes low.
   Hu-cares-Man are very educated, depending on their level of intellectual (hoping that I'd used the correct word over here). They can score anything from 0 to 100 marks in their exam, be a complete retard, acting to be a retard, or just pure geeks. They can be the villain in your life or the mini-teacher. They are the playful ones, the emo ones, the sexist ones, the lazy ones, or any of the 'ones' that comes across your mind.
   And oh, before I forget, the average Hu-cares-Man do well in sexual activity too, day in day out, night in night out. If you think I'm going to indulge into their sexual process, I'm so sorry to say that I'm no Hugh Marston Hefner. But they do have their sexual fantasies, change partner when they are bored with the old toys, and ta-da, got hit by STDs and STIs as well. Poor Homo Sapiens that go unarmored while exploring the wild bushes or due to pure incidents and abuse, both the average Joe and the Hu-cares-Man.
   The only distinct feature of Hu-cares-Man lies deep down under their skin. There's no way that you can spot this very quality if you aren't Mr. or Ms. Observer. The feature will be discussed in this particular section.  Selfish will put the adjective too soft in manner; happy-go-lucky too irrelevant. They can be known as the hypocrites of all time,or anything that satisfies Dear Reader. They will wait for somebody to do tasks they are able to carry out, but they don't because they are 'preoccupied' with their 'duty', it seems that there's no time for them to spare to do simple chores, apparently. They are there to instruct others to do this and that, but they themselves seldom or never get their hands working on the job.  Hu-cares-Man never clean up any mess they left behind, thinking that there might be a 'cleaning-lady' fairy who will come at night and do the cleaning, FOC. OMFG, do they require somebody else to wipe their ass after they poo too, if it's possible, because it works in their way? Bloody hell, there's no such thing as a free lunch in this world, and there is, the free-ass-wiping-after-you-poo service? You better be kidding. Don't they have any conscience that they must, particularly, have RESPONSIBILITY or SENSE OF BELONGING (in this case, something belongs to them and they must take care of it) in everything they do? Why not they CTRL C then CTRL V that habit, e-mail it, and project it in front of their parents? I foresee that dirty linens will get right into their mouth, at the very best outcome, travelling at the speed of light, provided that their mother ships are different from them. And yeah, once they use less of a particular thing, they totally forget, or I presume, never ever come across their mind, to have the slightest bit of responsibility. Sigh. Isn't it pathetic to have or to be Hu-cares-Man, or is it fun, the ultimate word that suits here? The best inference I've is that they have such an attitude, is because they wanna save tonnes of energy, to brace for 2012. Anything between the present and 2012, is unimportant. Pure craps. None of my business. The 'Ah, Who cares?'. Then, Hu-cares-Man will mass-produce their own kind, but do you think that they'll survive the post-catastrophe? Not the slightest of their molecule will even pass through 2nd January 2012, with such an attitude.
   To put it in a simpler word, in some part of their life, there's no YOU in them, except for F**K YOU. God bless.. 

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